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Always read the release notes first to learn what has changed and what adjustments are necessary

  1. Update the OSISM release in use in the configuration repository.

    1.1. Set the new manager version in the configuration repository.

    yq -i '.manager_version = "6.0.0"' environments/manager/configuration.yml

    1.2. If openstack_version or ceph_version are set in environments/manager/configuration.yml (or anywhere else), they must be removed. If these are set, the stable release is not used for these components.

    1.3. Sync the image versions in the configuration repository. It is important to do this so that the correct versions are available in environments/manager/images.yml. If Gilt is not installed via the requirements.txt of the manager environment it is important to use a version smaller v2. The v2 of Gilt is not yet usable.

    gilt overlay  # you have to do this 2x
    gilt overlay

    Optionally, this is normally not necessary, it is possible to reference a specific tag of the osism/cfg-generics repository. To do this, first check which version of osism/cfg-generics is used in a particular release. The version is defined in generics_version in the base.yml file in the osism/release repository. For OSISM 6.0.0, for example, this is version v0.20230919.0. This version is then added to the file gilt.yml in the configuration repository instead of main at version. This change must be made again after each execution of gilt overlay as it is overwritten by the call of gilt overlay. This cannot be realized differently in the current implementation of Gilt.

    1.4. Commit and push changes in the configuration repository. Since everyone here has their own workflows for changes to the configuration repository, only a generic example for Git.

    git commit -a -s -m "manager: use OSISM version 6.0.0"
    git push
  2. Update the configuration repository on the manager.

    osism apply configuration
  3. Update the manager services on the manager.

    osism update manager
    • If Ansible Vault was used to encrypt environments/manager/secrets.yml, the parameter --ask-vault-pass is also appended.
    • If osism update manager does not work yet, use osism-update-manager instead.
  4. Refresh the facts cache.

    osism apply facts
  5. If Traefik is used on the management plane (traefik_enable: true in environments/infrastructure/configuration.yml) then Traefik should also be upgraded directly.

    osism apply traefik
  6. Finally, the Ansible vault password must be made known again.

    osism set vault password